

Hi, I’m Aja, and I am The Mindful Missionary. Global development and community outreach are my heart and passion. I have been involved in missions and worked or volunteered in development organizations for over 6 years. I hold a position on the Board of Directors for The Global Belief Project, a faith based NGO in Jinja, Uganda. In 2013 I received a Master’s Degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science in Media, Communication, and Development.

I have worked in the development and missionary field in a variety of countries including Cambodia, Israel, El Salvador, Southern Mexico, Kenya, Uganda, Japan, Indonesia and locally in my own back yard in Hawaii. I have seen development and missionary work done incredibly well and I have seen it done in unintentionally harmful ways. Because of this I provide training and consultation for individuals, organizations, and churches to educate about best practices and create plans that will be beneficial for both the receiving community and the missionary or organization. It is my goal to guide people in their understanding of poverty and to assist them in finding their role in long-term, sustainable poverty alleviation.

I am available for;

  • Consulting on international development projects and local outreach plans
  • Missionary pre and post trip training and evaluation
  • Planning mission trips
  • Helping churches evaluate mission partners
  • Training church “allies” to best equip and partner with homeless and people in need
  • Speaking opportunities and seminars on missions and development work

I look forward to working with you soon!

Peace & Grace,

Aja Halweg, MSc

“and if you offer yourself to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted one, then your light will shine in the darkness, and your night will be like noonday.” Isaiah 58:10